Dangers of pressure washing roofs

Why roofs need cleaning

In Manchester, our homes face a unique set of challenges due to the local environment, particularly when it comes to maintaining the condition of our roofs. The city's varied climate, with its frequent rainfall and occasional strong winds, contributes significantly to the deterioration of roofing materials. Rainfall leads to moisture accumulation, which is ideal for the growth of moss and algae. This moisture can seep into the roof, causing structural damage and potential leaks. Additionally, the winds in Manchester carry debris, leaves, and dirt, which can clog gutters and retain moisture, leading to further roof damage.

Pollution can also affect roofs, airborne particles from vehicles and industrial activities settle on roofs, leading to a buildup of grime and soot. This not only affects the roof's appearance but can also cause wear and tear on the protective layers of roofing materials. Furthermore, acidic compounds in rainwater, exacerbated by pollution, can erode roofing materials over time, weakening their structural integrity.
This combination of moisture and pollutants creates a fertile breeding ground for biological growth such as moss, algae, lichen and fungi. These organisms are more than just cosmetic issues; for instance, moss can retain moisture against the roof surface, causing damage to shingles or tiles, while algae can create slippery and hazardous conditions.

The impact of these environmental factors on roofs in Manchester is twofold. Aesthetically, the accumulation of dirt, biological growth, and pollution significantly damages the appearance of homes, affecting their curb appeal and potentially their value. More critically, the integrity of the roof structure can be compromised. Continuous exposure to these elements without proper cleaning can lead to the deterioration of roofing materials, increased risk of leaks and higher maintenance costs in the long run.

Given these challenges, regular roof cleaning in Manchester is not just about maintaining the appearance of homes; it's a crucial aspect of preserving their structural integrity. Effective cleaning methods can remove harmful elements and preserve the roof's condition, making it an essential practice in an environment where roofs are subjected to such demanding conditions.

The risks of power washing your roof

While power washing might seem like an efficient method for cleaning roofs, it poses several significant risks that homeowners should be aware of. This cleaning technique can, in fact, do more harm than good, leading to various issues that compromise both the functionality and longevity of your roof.

Damage to roofing materials - one of the primary concerns with power washing is the potential damage to roofing materials. The high-pressure water jets used in power washing are often too intense for the delicate structure of many roofs, especially older ones. This intense pressure can easily dislodge or even break tiles and shingles. Not only does this affect the roof’s appearance, but it also exposes the underlying structure to the elements. Such damage often leads to water leaks, which can require expensive repairs. In extreme cases, if left unaddressed, this can even necessitate a complete roof replacement, which is a significant financial undertaking.

Water penetration and subsequent damage - another critical issue with power washing is the risk of water penetration. The high pressure of the water can force moisture underneath the tiles, shingles, and into the roof's substructure. Once water penetrates these areas, it can be challenging to dry out, creating an ideal environment for mould and mildew growth. Over time, this continuous exposure to moisture can lead to rot in wooden components and rust in metal parts, compromising the structural integrity of the roof. This type of damage is not just costly to repair but can also pose health risks due to the potential for mould growth inside the home.

Removal of protective coatings - many roofing materials come with protective coatings designed to extend their lifespan and protect against various elements like UV rays, rain and wind. Power washing can strip away these protective layers, leaving the roofing materials vulnerable to environmental damage. This erosion of protective coatings accelerates the aging process of your roof, leading to a need for more frequent repairs or replacements. In the long term, this not only increases maintenance costs but also shortens the overall lifespan of the roof.

Safety concerns - the act of power washing a roof also presents significant safety concerns. Roofs can be inherently dangerous places due to their height and slope. When you add in the slippery conditions created by power washing, the risk of slips and falls increases dramatically. These accidents can result in severe injuries or even be fatal. Moreover, the handling of high-powered equipment at such heights requires skill and experience. Amateur attempts at power washing can lead to accidents, causing harm to the individual performing the task or causing unintended damage to the property.

While power washing might appear as a quick fix for a dirty roof, the potential risks and long-term damage it can cause make it an unsuitable option for roof cleaning. Homeowners are advised to seek alternative, gentler methods of roof maintenance to preserve the integrity and longevity of their roofs. Professional roof cleaning services, which use safe and appropriate techniques, are always a better choice for effective and lasting results.

How professionals clean roofs

Professional roof cleaning services, such as AM Property Services, employ a range of specialised techniques to ensure that your roof is cleaned safely and effectively, without the risks associated with power washing. Our approach is meticulous and tailored to the specific needs of each roof, ensuring long-term protection and maintenance.

Soft washing - One of the key methods used by professionals is soft washing. This technique involves using low-pressure water combined with specialised cleaning solutions. Unlike high-pressure power washing, soft washing gently removes dirt, moss, algae, and other build-ups without risking damage to the roofing materials. The cleaning agents used in soft washing are carefully selected to be effective against dirt and organic growths like moss and algae, while being gentle on the roof and environmentally friendly. This method is particularly beneficial for delicate roofing materials that can be easily damaged by high pressure, such as shingles, tiles, or older roofs.

Manual removal of moss and debris - In addition to soft washing, professional roof cleaners often perform manual removal of larger accumulations of moss, debris, and other materials that can gather on the roof. This process is done carefully by hand or with the use of gentle tools to ensure that there is no damage to the roofing materials. Manual removal is crucial for dealing with larger debris that cannot be safely or effectively removed with washing alone. It's a vital step in maintaining the health of the roof, as large debris can retain moisture and lead to decay or damage over time.

Application of preventive treatments - After the roof is thoroughly cleaned, professionals typically apply preventive treatments. These treatments are designed to inhibit the future growth of moss, algae, and other common organisms that tend to grow on roofs. By applying these treatments, professional cleaners can significantly extend the period between cleanings, making roof maintenance more manageable and cost-effective for homeowners. These treatments also play a vital role in protecting the roof from potential damage caused by these growths, thereby prolonging the roof's lifespan and maintaining its structural integrity.

The combination of these methods results in a comprehensive cleaning process that not only restores the appearance of the roof but also contributes to its longevity. Professional cleaners like AM Property Services understand the nuances of different roofing materials and tailor their cleaning techniques accordingly. This expertise ensures that the roof is not only cleaned effectively but is also preserved and protected from future damage. By entrusting your roof to professionals, you ensure that it receives the best care possible, safeguarding one of the most critical components of your home.

Common roof types in Manchester and their maintenance needs

Manchester showcases a variety of roof types, each with its own specific maintenance needs. Understanding these needs is crucial for proper care and longevity of the roofs.

Slate roofs - are a common sight in Manchester, known for their durability and classic aesthetic appeal. However, despite their robustness, slate can be quite delicate when it comes to cleaning and maintenance. Harsh cleaning methods, like power washing, can cause significant damage to slate tiles, leading to chipping, cracking, or even complete breakage. These damages compromise the roof's ability to protect the home from weather elements. Therefore, gentle, professional cleaning methods are essential for slate roofs. Professionals often employ soft washing techniques, combined with manual removal of any large debris, to ensure the slate is cleaned without risking damage. Regular maintenance of slate roofs helps in preserving their beauty and structural integrity for decades.

Clay tile roofs - are another popular roofing material in Manchester, appreciated for their rustic charm and longevity. However, they are particularly prone to problems like algae and moss growth, especially in Manchester's often damp climate. These growths not only detract from the aesthetic appeal of the roof but can also lead to tile deterioration over time. Regular and gentle cleaning, therefore, is vital for clay tile roofs. This typically involves soft washing and the manual removal of larger accumulations of moss or debris. Additionally, the application of preventive treatments helps in inhibiting the growth of moss and algae, ensuring the tiles remain in good condition for a longer time. Regular upkeep of clay tiles is crucial in maintaining their colour, shape and structural function.

Asphalt shingles - are a common choice for many modern homes in Manchester due to their cost-effectiveness and versatility. While these shingles are relatively resilient, they are not immune to damage from improper cleaning methods. Power washing, for instance, can be particularly detrimental to asphalt shingles. The intense pressure can strip away the protective granules from the shingles, exposing the underlying material to environmental elements. This erosion not only reduces the aesthetic appeal of the shingles but also diminishes their effectiveness in weather protection and insulation, thereby shortening their overall lifespan. Professional cleaners typically use soft washing methods and specialised cleaning agents to safely and effectively clean asphalt shingle roofs without causing damage.


While the idea of power washing your roof might seem like a quick fix, it poses significant risks to your roof's integrity and your safety. In Manchester, where diverse roof types adorn our homes, it's essential to choose a cleaning method that is both effective and gentle. AM Property Services offers professional, tailored roof cleaning solutions that ensure your home not only looks its best but is also protected for years to come. Trust the experts to take care of your roof!